Monday, July 20, 2015

Observations on nesting of Black-naped Monarch at Similipal

Following Observations were made at nest of a Black naped Monarch at Similipal

  • Place of Observation: Nigirdha , Range Nawana (N)
  • Duration: 2 days in the month of May 2015
  • The nest was observed over the fork of a tree along the Nigirdha nala
  • At any given point of time, either of the parents guarded the nest
  • There were 3 hatchlings in the nest
  • The same birds were perhaps part of a mixed hunting group that used to scan  the forests surrounding Nigirdha section office. There was a group of Brown cheeked Fulvettas who would constantly feed as a group in the shrubberies. During 2 days of observation, they would always give the particular tree( where nesting was located) a miss. It might be a completely coincidence. But it is arguably one of the indicators that birds of different species which are regular to a particular mixed hunting party, may be socially bonded to each other.

Female at the nest

Male at the nest

The pics above were shot around 7-8 meters from the nest without disturbing the birds.